Manhwa Summary: Solo Leveling
Source: Solo Leveling is a South Korean comic (manhwa) drawn by artists Gi So-Ryeong and Jang Sung-Rak. This manhwa is based on a novel written by Chu-Gong in February 14, 2014. The novel has 14 volumes and 270 chapters while the manhwa is still on going. Solo Leveling is a manhwa about "The World's Weakest Hunter" named Sung Jin-Woo who has to risk his life whenever he enters the dungeon. He need money to pay for his mother's medical fee. Yet he barely got anything from fighting monsters from low-leveled dungeons. One day he and his friends found a hidden dungeon with the hardest difficulty within the D-rank dungeons. They need to solve the puzzle if they want to get out alive. In the end he had to sacrificed himself so his friends can escaped from that dungeon. When he was accepting his death, he suddenly received a strange power, a quest log that only he can see, a secret...