Book Summary: The Little Prince

The Little Prince is a fable and modern classic by French aviator and writer Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry that was published with his own illustrations in French as Le Petit Prince in 1943. The simple tale tells the story of a child, the little prince, who travels the universe gaining wisdom.

The narrator introduces himself as a man who learned when he was a child that adults lack imagination and understanding. He is now a pilot who has crash-landed in a desert. 

He encounters a small boy who asks him for a drawing of a sheep, and the narrator obliges. The narrator, who calls the child the little prince, learns that the boy comes from a very small planet, which the narrator believes to be asteroid B-612. 

Over the course of the next few days, the little prince tells the narrator about his life. On his asteroid-planet, which is no bigger than a house, the prince spends his time pulling up baobab seedlings, lest they grow big enough to engulf the tiny planet seedlings, lest they grow big enough to engulf the tiny planet.

* Point of view:

      - The Little Prince draws unflattering portraits of grown-ups as being hopelessly narrow-minded.
      - In contrast, children come to wisdom through open-mindedness and a willingness to explore the world around them and within themselves.

* Closing statement:

         I recommend you this book because this book shows us the problems of modern ages. This book tells us about the lack of love and the finding of it as well as the loneliness of people. The story is primarily written for grownups as a leader to the children’s opinion of the world.


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